PHOTEX - Decontaminating textile
2007 – 2010
Development of a luminous decontaminating textile, made by coating the luminous optical fibre fabric, connected to an LED UV A (365 nm) in a photocatalyst, TiO2. This innovation enables the degradation of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) such as BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene), formaldehyde, etc.
Partners : Brochier Technologies – IRCELYON
Quality label : AXELERA
Financing : ANR (Agence National de la Recherche) Ecotech 2007 (
Awards : Pierre-Alexandre Bourgeois, étudiant en thèse à IRCELYON dans le cadre du projet PHOTEX a été lauréat du prix international de l’innovation textile décerné par la Fondation Théophile Legrand de l’Institut de France en 2012 ( PHOTEX primé lors de la 8ème journée ANR des écotechnologies (Avril 2014) (
Publication : Bourgeois PA; Puzenat E; Peruchon L; Simonet F; Chevalier D; Deflin E; Brochier B; Guillard C; Characterization of a new photocatalytic textile for formaldehyde removal from indoor air Applied Catalysis B : Environmental, Volume 128, 30 November 2012, Pages 171-178
New lighting technology
In 2015, Brochier Technologies created EFI Lighting, a joint venture with EFI Automotive (ISO TS 16 949) automotive supplier, to develop and market Lightex® in the automotive industry.
Light solutions for interior or exterior large-scale technical and artistic projects combining materials and light.
Functional ambient and emergency lighting solutions in accordance with aeronautical standards (FAR 25 853).
Customised, flexible and refined low-energy consumption solutions for advertising, billboards or events.
Innovative light-emitting or sensor solutions: disruptive technological innovation, improved performance (reduced consumption, compact, etc.), adaptability to extreme environments, etc.
Functional ambient and emergency lighting solutions, for railway transport interiors and exteriors (EN 45 545).
Autonomous, flexible, resistant and compact Very High-Visibility lighting solutions for personal safety and vehicle protection.
Scientific lighting solutions from Lightex® technologies for growing photosynthetic organisms, and UVTex® for air and water decontamination by photocatalysis.
Ambient, functional and emergency lighting for construction needs : light fittings, partitions, life lines, pathway lighting, backlighting, curtains, etc.
In 2014, Brochier Technologies created the spin-off, NeoMedLight, to develop and market medical devices in the field of phototherapy. NeoMedLight is ISO 13 485 certified.